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Saint Interface Day 2024

6. Dezember 2024 um 17:1523:00 CET

Academic conferences, artistic performances, exhibitions, concerts and a “Computer Mouse Award”

‘Sankt Interface’ is an artistic project organized by Interface Cultures which serves also as the annual celebration of our department.
It is not a coincidence that it is celebrated around every ninth of December, the same day of 1968 when Douglas Engelbart did his ultra-famous conference, known today as “The Mother of All Demos”. At Sankt Interface, academic conferences, artistic performances, exhibitions, concerts and a “Computer Mouse Award” conform a celebration transforming into a happening in which students, professors, and friends of Interface Cultures participate at the same level.

But Sankt Interface 2024 also includes art performances, the tenth edition of the infamous ‘Computer Mouse Award‘ and a series of live music performances with electronic instruments, as well as some hot DJ sessions, which will close the night. It’s all a must see!

17.15 bis 17.25 Uhr. Welcome address by Prof. Dr. Christa Sommerer. (KAPU stage)

17.25 bis 17.35 Uhr. Introduction to Sankt Interface 2024! by Ph.D. Candidate César Escudero Andaluz.

17.35 bis 18.20 Uhr. Keynote Exploring Guilt, Failure and Doom by Thomas Thwaites. (KAPUstage)

18.20 bis 19.05 Uhr. Keynote On bros, tradwives and their contrarians by Regine Debatty. (KAPUstage)

19.05 bis 19.30 Uhr. Q&A session.

19.30 bis 20.30 Uhr. Computer Mouse Contest Award presented by Enrique Tomás, Kristina Tica and Kevin Blackistone. (KAPU bar)

20.30 bis 21.00 Uhr. Dinner and jury decision break. (KAPU bar)

21.00 bis 21.30 Uhr. Awards ceremony. (KAPU stage)

21.30 bis 22.00 Uhr. “Interface-parade”(KAPU surrounding)

22.00 Uhr – Open end. Concerts and DJ sessions from Interface Cultures Students, Teachers & Friends (KAPU)

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