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Who cares? on non economical social practices dialogue with Lucia Babina (Cohabitation strategies)
30. Januar um 18:00 – 20:00 CET

(c) Eliah Rustveld
⬇️Top Down⬆️Bottom Up Dialogues (150.002)
A lecture series by space&designSTRATEGIES October 2024 – June 2025
chaired by Lorenzo Romito
2.30 pm. space&designSTRATEGIES seminar room (H60137) Hauptplatz 6, 1st floor
6.00 pm Hörsaal D / Rep.Raum West (H60504) Hauptplatz 6/5th floor, 4020 Linz
Where do changes come from? According with the I-Ching changes come from the bottom. According with the mainstream western culture changes come from the top, achieved by plans, imposed by elites, designed by professionals. Could top down and bottom up practices coop instead of conflict? This year space&designstrategies at Kunstuni Linz proposes a series of lectures that are also part of a course open to all students of Kunstuni. Along with the 2025 Austrian Pavilion at Venice Biennale of Architecture, that this year will hold the discussion on possible collaboration in between Top-Down and Bottom-Up practices through the confrontation in between Vienna planning practices and Rome self-organization practices, the lectures will explore how and if spontaneous creativity and planning and architectural practices could cooperate to achieve a “better living”. The invited artists and architects are all well known academics and practitioner dealing with the issue in different ways.
Lucia Babina is a relational artist, social designer, intuitive coach for individuals and communities. She specializes in creating spaces of care and crafting transformative technologies, drawing upon her artistic and spiritual background. Her approach encompasses two distinct but interconnected facets. On one hand, her focus revolves around empowering authentic self-expression and inner wisdom within individuals, through techniques such as meditation, breathing, and image-generation. On the other hand, Lucia is dedicated to researching and reactivating regenerative ways of cohabitation and coexistence, engaging in collective visions and artistic processes as a means to reflect on the current global unevenness and injustice. She is the co-founder of iStrike (2007-2009). iStrike is an environmental organization which aims at highlighting and surveying new dynamics of intercultural exchange and international cultural co-operation.
She is also the co-founder of Cohabitation Strategies (CohStra). Cohabitation Strategies is an international non-profit organization for socio-spatial research, design, and development which focuses on conditions of urban decline, inequality, and segregation within the contemporary city. CohStra has collaborated with the Museum of Modern Art (NY), La Biennale di Venezia, Musagetes Foundation (CA), City of Philadelphia Mural Arts Program, Chicago Architecture Biennial, Canadian Center for Architecture, StoreFront for Architecture, Lisbon Architecture Triennial, MARE Culturale Urbano, Istanbul Design Biennial, Art Gallery of Alberta, to mention a few.