ID DesignTalk: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE _ opportunities or weaknesses?

Hauptplatz 6 // 5. Stock // Glashörsaal West Hauptplatz 6, Linz, OÖ, Österreich

mit Florian Kromp Insights and Practical Applications The term Artificial Intelligence (AI) is often carelessly used nowadays, sometimes even applied when only basic statistical methods are described. In this presentation, we will define the term AI and provide insights into the functionality of AI methods. We will explore the opportunities presented by current AI methods …

AI bias in the employment sector

Interface Cultures, Lecture Room, DO.03.27

Interface Cultures lädt zur Brunchlecture von Andreas Zingerle, Interface Cultures Absolvent. Join us for a thought-provoking Brunch lecture as Andreas Zingerle delves into the territories of AI's impact on the job market. We've all been sold the promise of AI tools as the ultimate equalizers, capable of stripping away biases and evaluating candidates based solely …