From Concept to Couture – Yuima Nakazato on Creating with Purpose

Studio Design und Technik, Hauptplatz 8, H80125 Hauptplatz 8, Linz
Hybrid Hybrid Veranstaltung

Japanese fashion designer Yuima Nakazato offers inspiring insights into his creative process – from the initial idea and material selection to the realization of a sustainable collection. He demonstrates how innovation and craftsmanship come together to rethink fashion and shares valuable insights into the Fashion Frontier Program. An inspiring session for those eager to explore new possibilities in sustainable design!

What do we have in Common? Gastvortrag von Lieven DeCauter im Rahmen der Reihe Top down – Button up Dialogues

Hauptplatz 6 - Hörsaal C / Repräsentationsraum West / H60501 Hauptplatz 6, Hauptplatz 6 - Hörsaal C / Repräsentationsraum West / H60501, Linz

On sharing practices and placesA dialogue with Lieven De Cauter Lieven De Cauter is a Belgian philosopher, art historian, writer and activist. He teaches philosophy of culture in the Department …