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Geografie, Körper, Widerstand und Kunst

20. Juni 2024 um 15:3017:00 CEST

MKKT und Ästhetik und Pragmatik audiovisueller Medien laden zu Vortrag und Präsentation von Fatoş Irven.

Fatoş Irven
I am a feminist Kurdish comtemporary artist. I was born and raised in Suriçi Diyarbakır. I worked as an art trainer for years, but due to the policies implemented by the State. I am a graduate of Dicle University Fine Arts Education – Painting Art. I am producing in Istanbul and Diyarakır. Gender, body politics, Justice, Ecology, Religion, Power and Domination are the issues that I am dealing with artistically. I deal with these issues in the context of their psychological effects. I create and produce the memory, unconscious, dreams, situations as a result of events, psychological tensions by reinterpreting the relationship between body and space. I mainly produce performative works. I continue painting.
Videoart, photography, installation etc. I use expression tools. I have been in many international group exhibitions; Iran, Germany -Berlin, Austria, Honkong, Iceland, France-Paris, Mexico, Iran-Tahran, Morocco, Stockholm, Turkey…