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Eröffnung Tangente St. Pölten Festivalzentrum

30. April um 15:006. Mai um 19:00 CEST

Die Tangente St. Pölten – Festival für Gegenwartskultur lädt vom 30. April bis 5. Mai.2024 zu ihren Eröffnungstagen. Sie sind ein Fest für alle mit vielen frei zugänglichen Veranstaltungen, hochkarätigen Theater- und Musikproduktionen, Ausstellungen, Disko und Diskurs. Ein Wegweiser.

Das Festivalzentrum wurde von Giulia Mazzorin und Andrea Curtoni, ProfessorInnen von raum&designSTRATEGIEN mit Unterstützung von Studierenden, Künstler:innen und vielen weiteren Helfern gestaltet. Die Eröffnung des Festivalzentrums findet am 30. April 2024 um 15.00 Uhr statt.

Design with Empathy. A Festival Center in the making for St. Pölten. How can we practice our Empathy through design?

By realising the Festival Center we approach how to experience and materialise Empathy towards humans and non humans, ecosystems, spaces, objects, memories, meanings and perspectives..

Inhabiting the site of construction was our way to enter in a deep relation with the context and to enable the incredible transformative power emerging from a space in transition.

To structure the project, we listened to neighboring realities active in cultural production, recognised the porosity of the urban fabric, and decided not to consume new materials, but to reuse leftovers and resignify waste. The action focused on cleaning, reusing, disassembling and reassembling, transforming, adapting and revealing new aesthetics starting from the cracks.

The creation of the Festival Center is also an important opportunity to activate some abandoned or underused spaces dedicated to the future coming after the Festival, when the active independent cultural scene of St. Pölten could be empowered in its practices, using theCenter’s new spaces as common infrastructure to strengthen its capacity.

The entire process has been conceived as a ongoing productive residency programme. In addition to a group that was continuously operating on site, a series of collectives, designers and artists joined as guests to contribute to shape the Festival Center.

Biennale Urbana: Giulia Mazzorin, Andrea Curtoni, Andrea De Lorenzo


Johanna Schmitt, Lorenzo Iannantuoni, Paul Guderian, Bastian Lehner, Tomiris Dmitrievskikh, Anton Filchakov, Alessandro Zanetti, Krystian Mirek, Mateusz Drobny, Józef Mirek, Kamil Mirek

Romek Kurek, Christian Herzog, Paul Stemberger


Architect, designer and Artist in Residency:

Başak Tuna




Theresa Hattinger

Elisabeth Perez

Sandra Axinte


Collaboration with Universities:

.Raum&designstrategien (Kunstuniversität Linz / Giulia Mazzorin and Prof.Andrea Curtoni)


Margarita Ivanova, Shtykalo Tetiana, Shahrzad Khanmohammadihezaveh, Margarita Gimaeva, Giorgia Pedrina, Nikita Narder, Gaia Tovaglia, Maja Peters, Irina Müller, Hannes Wizany, Lorenz Wilmer

.Städtebau und Entwerfen (TU Wien / Dorothee Huber, Tina Wintersteiger )


Elisabeth Gföllner, Anna Bernbacher, Marcel Martin, Merle Leoni Schlack, Florian Rödel, Ina Pfeuffer, Birgit Rieder, Hülya Demirayak, Andrea Falkner , Manfred Scheibelreiter

.Design, Handwerk & materielle Kultur at NewDesignUniversity – St.Polten /  Prof.Stefan Moritsch and Ulrike Haele


Borcholt Hans-Christian Henning, Eccli Livia, Ewert Mia, Fietz Lili, Gastinger Leonidas, Geyer Emma, Grünberger Philip, Gundendorfer Anna, Hollenstein Moritz, Holzer Marlene,

Jakl Alexander, Lenhardt Ariane, Mikolasek Lena, Prischl Daniel, Raible Marina,  Schatz

Vinzenz, Schuller Lena, Seifert Lisa, Unger Zoltan Victor, von Hagmann Felicitas, Weber

Chiara, Zellhofer Fabienne


Local collaborators:

Gabarage upcycling design



St. Pöltner Künstlerbund


Material recycled from:

ASOP / BAfEP, St. Pölten,

Universitätsklinikum St. Pölten

Stadtmuseum, St. Pölten

Wirtschaftshof der Stadt St.Pölten

Römerstadt Carnuntum



30. April um 15:00 CEST
6. Mai um 19:00 CEST
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Festivalzentrum St. Pölten, Linzer Straße 16 und 18
Linzer Straße 16 und 18
St. Pölten, 3100
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