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Feminist AI lecture series: keylecture by Elena Knox (AU)
7. September 2023 um 18:00 – 20:00 CEST
The Feminist AI lecture series will present inspiring lectures on gender and AI. Throughout this autumn, the series will bring together a diverse range of lectures by artists and scholars working at the intersection of technology, art and gender, who will present how feminist thinking and intersectional experience has influenced their work.
Keylecture by Elena Knox (AU)
Incl. discussion and workshop presentations by Jelena Mönch (DE) and Miguel Rangil (ES); Hosted and moderated by Fiftitu% Oona Valarie Serbest (AT) and Manuela Naveau (AT);
In collaboration with FIFTITU% Vernetzungsstelle für Frauen* in Kunst und Kultur in OÖ (Network for Women* in Art and Culture in Upper Austria).